“It’s Always a Struggle, but…”


From survival to success, award-winning educator, speaker & broadcaster, Andrew Phipps, takes readers on a personal journey on how a second chance, unwavering faith & hard work changed the course of his life in his new book, It’s Always a Struggle, but…



Andrew Phipps is an award-winning educator, broadcaster, and speaker. He has touched thousands of lives around the world through his Christian ministry and has long been a champion of Christian values. A captivating and powerful speaker, Phipps brings life lessons, homespun, humor, and inspiration alive through his new book, It’s Always a Struggle, but… Phipps takes readers on a fascinating journey that reminds us to be grateful for all things and seeing the hand of God in the opportunities and the blessings He provides.

Andrew Phipps has dedicated his life to sharing timeless words of wisdom, hope, and inspiration. He is re-energizing Americans across the country to get back on track with the Christian values and principles for which, and upon which, our country was founded. He reminds us that faith, hope, and allowing the grace of God to work in us can be a transformative force in the face of uncertainty and struggle.

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